Registration Codes

When breeding Savannah cats the specifics can become confusing.
Listed below are the definitions of the Savannah Cat Registration Codes.
F stands for "filial" which means "denoting the generation or generations after the parental generation."
Ancestry Record Code for Savannah Cats: (Serval cats are registered for breeding purposes.)
F1 - The cat has a Serval parent.
F2 - The cat has a Serval grandparent.
F3 - The cat has a Serval great grandparent.
F4 - The cat has a Serval great-great grandparent.
F5 - The cat has a Serval great-great-great grandparent.
Hybridization Codes: (Example: F4A)
A - The cat is the product of two cats from different breeds.
B - The cat has at least one grandparent of a different breed.
C - The cat has at least one great grandparent of a different breed.
Stud Book Codes:
SB - The cat has no cats which are unknown, unregistered, or of another breed or breed group within a standard three generation pedigree.
Status Codes:
​The Following Codes apply to the third position of the pedigree status code.
T - Traditional: Only the breed in question within a three generation pedigree
V - Variant: Crosses outside the breed but within the group within a three generation pedigree
P - Permissible: Crosses outside the breed or breed group which are permitted by the breeding program which has been established for the breed.
N - Non-Permissible: Crosses outside the breed or breed group which are not among those which are specifically allowed by the breeding program which has been established for the breed.
S - Species: Outcrosses to species other than Felis cats/Felis domesticus. Such crosses may be used in foundation breeding programs but are by definition considered non-permissible.
For Example:
F1 - The kitten has a Serval Father that is registered for breeding purposes only​​​​.
A - The kitten is a product of two different breeds - Felis domesticus & Serval.
​ (Father = Serval & Mother = Savannah or other)
The offspring of a F1A Savannah pair to another Savannah would be TICA registered as F2B: ​
F2 - the kittens have a F1A Savannah mother
B – the kitten's parents are Both Savannahs (Think of it as b means both - both savannah parents)
Following this - the A,B,C SBT follows. The F2B will have F3C offspring if the F2B was bred with another savannah. (or they would be F3A if the F2B was bred to a non Savannah/Domestic)
If the F1A was paired with a non savannah/domestic cat (This is rare and looked down upon) the offspring would be registered as F2A:
F2 - The kittens have a F1A Savannah mother
A - The kitten is a product of a Savannah and a non savannah/domestic cat
Following this - the A,B,C SBT starts over again. The F2A will have F3B offspring if the F2A was bred with another savannah. (or they would be F3A if the F2A was bred to a non Savannah/Domestic)
​You will hear SBT the most often. And for good reason!
SBT stands for Stud Book Traditional. An SBT is also bred down from the Serval but it is at least 4 Generations removed. While many Savannahs F1 through F5 are diluted with blood of the domestic cat, The SBT Savannah is considered a “pure” Savannah that has guaranteed only Savannahs as parents for at least 3 Generations.
All cats that are bred Savannah to savannah following the 4th generation are considered SBT.
The FIRST cat available for this title is the F4SBt. (which is also the first generation of Savannah Cats allowed in the show class.) then you can have F5SBT, F6SBT, F7SBT, etc. if you hear just stand alone "SBT" Savannah, it is a Savannah bred down to perfect the domestic ownership of the breed from the Savannah to Savannah to Savannah etc. pairings for many generations.